Our most exclusive collection, LA RIVA, is born from our dedication to craftsmanship, and like any work of true art, embodies timelessness, durability, and a captivating beauty that transcends the ordinary.
This collection stands as a testament to the harmonious blend of tradition, science, and innovation. Through the application of reactive techniques, we molecularly modify the wood to achieve a stunning array of colors and enhance the wood’s innate beauty. The result is nothing short of unparalleled masterpieces.
8″ 10″ 12″ 14″
Character I Select
5/8″ (16mm)
European oak
4mm (nominal)
UV oil & reactive stains
Born of a singular dedication to craftsmanship, LA RIVA, like any work of true art, is timeless, durable, and imbued with an evocative beauty that transcends the ordinary.
The unique combination of tradition, science and innovation will elevate the wood’s natural beauty and result in unparalleled masterpieces.
Tom Goddijn is the artisan behind this extraordinary experience. He has perfected the art of hand-sculpturing throughout thirty-eight years. Now in collaboration with RIVA, Goddijn’s breathtaking work can now grace your own projects.
Through the use of reactive techniques, wood is molecularly modified to achieve an astonishing spectrum of colors. The result is a collection of masterpieces that redefine elegance.
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The upper section of the tree is used for firewood, which may not be suitable for flooring due to higher branch density and smaller trunk size.
Our character grade comes from the middle part of the tree. This part has a visual appeal and some knots but avoids the large holes of the top part. We refer to our character grade as “light character”.
Our select grade comes from the bottom part of the tree and is the youngest wood, which results in the absence of knots and a sleek appearance.
Select grading offers a clean, refined appearance with minimal knots and variations, perfect for creating a modern and sleek aesthetic. Ideal for spaces where a consistent and sophisticated look is desired.
Character grading showcases the natural beauty of wood with visible knots, color variations, and unique grain patterns, adding warmth and personality to any room. It’s perfect for those who appreciate the rustic charm and authenticity of natural hardwood.